Saving Energy
with you Since 1991


Why Savemax

  • Company-owned-manufacturing-plant to produce 2.5Million LPD Hot water systems with latest technology, perfected procedures and processes.
  • Providing complete solutions involving design, manufacturing, erection, and service since 1991
  • Thousands of solar units installed and maintained till date.
  • ISO 9001 company since 2002, ISI License holder since 1998
  • Recognized by MEDA, MoNRE, IREDA, GeM, DIC, MSME, member of STFI & MASMA.
  • Focused on evolving improved product-range in the last 30 years.

About Us

  • Founded in 1991 as a manufacturing company to design, manufacture, integrate, install and service energy saving solutions.
  • Received MEDA & MoNRE recognition in 1991-92 to manufacture of solar water heaters and solar photo-voltaic systems.
  • Recognized by IREDA and various nationalized banks for subsidy schemes of MoNRE.
  • Received prestigious ISI mark for solar collectors in 1998.
  • Savemax got ISO 9001 certified in 2002.
  • Focused right from beginning on creating the infrastructure to produce improved, efficient, and value-for-money products for the clients.
  • Partnered with clients in saving millions of energy units by providing and maintaining products and systems since 1991.
  • Savemax today manufactures Solar Water Heaters, Heat Pump Water Heaters, Swimming-Pool-Heaters with in-house technology and expertise.
  • Savemax today undertakes Solar-electricity-RTPV projects with Net-metering to help clients save millions of electrical units with its expertise and experience in the domain.
LPD Installations
till 2020
0 +
Units of electricity
saved every day
0 +
Geysers Avoided
0 +
0 +
LPD Installations
0 +
of experience
0 +

* LPD - liters per day ​

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